Smart ERP Systems to Manage your School / College / University Activities and Data!

Managing the data of thousands of students and their parents, hundreds of teachers and other staff may seem daunting but with our anything that you need can be accomplished in just a few key strokes. Designed for educational institutions, it automates all school-related operations from data management, fees collection, attendance, exams, results, library, transport, leaves, events etc. and is compatible with all your devices as well. So the admin, the students, the parents, the teachers and the staff can access this power-packed system on their tablets, desktop / laptop or mobile phones.

Our Modules

Our ERP system includes various modules to streamline your college operations.

Admissions Management

  • Online Student Registration
  • Track admission form and document submission, class allotment, etc.
  • Student Course Selection
  • Merit List Generation
  • Online Fees Payment

Student Information System

  • Manage student records, attendance, grades, and more.
  • Student Attendance
  • Student Performance Record
  • Centralized Data Storage

Fees Management

  • Automate fees collection and management with ease.
  • UPI, Credit/Debit card Payments
  • Safe Transactions
  • E-receipt Generation
  • Notifications for Pending Fees

Library Management

  • Efficiently manage library resources and circulation.
  • Books Tracking and Issuing
  • Automatic Email/SMS reminder
  • Maintenance of Vendor Information
  • Calculation of Late Fees

Transport Management

  • Track and manage college transportation services.
  • Manage drivers and vehicles details.
  • Allot stop routes and manage transport fee.
  • Live tracking System

Exam & Results

  • Conduct exams and publish results seamlessly.
  • Manage exam schedules and invigilation processes.
  • Automate grading and result generation.
  • Provide instant access to results for students and parents.
  • Generate reports and statistical analysis of exam performances.

Event Management

  • Plan and manage college events effortlessly.
  • Create event schedules and manage RSVPs.
  • Coordinate event logistics and resources.
  • Communicate event details to stakeholders.
  • Evaluate event success and gather feedback.

Employee Leave Management

  • Plan and manage employee leave requests efficiently.
  • Track employee leave balances and entitlements.
  • Automate leave approval workflows.
  • Generate reports on employee leave usage.
  • Integrate leave management with payroll systems.

Academic Management

  • Manage all academic activities from Subject-wise & Syllabus management, timetables setup, daily & Monthly attendance, assignment assessment, etc.
  • Subject-wise and syllabus management: Organize and track subjects and syllabi across courses.
  • Timetable setup: Create schedules for classes, exams, and other academic events.
  • Daily and monthly attendance: Monitor student and staff attendance efficiently.

Why Choose School ERP Software

Mobile Friendly

This mobile-friendly ERP-Edu system helps you work on the go

Connect with all

Easy information dissemination and common platform to connect the students, parents, teachers and staff

Data Security

All the data like student information, fee, academic papers, assessment results etc. are fully encrypted and secure

Easy to Use

Using our is very easy and all information can be accessed in just a few clicks

Go Paperless

This environment-friendly ERP Edu system allows you to publish information online be it exam schedule or results without printing

Simplified Management

Automated management of academic, administrative, financial and any other data reduces manpower and time


Discover the advantages of implementing our ERP system.


  • Streamline operations and save time with automated processes.


  • Reduce operational costs with a paperless system.


  • Access the ERP system from any device, anywhere.